Happy Holidays From HHNM Executive Director Tom Bregman

Dear Friends,

As I pen this note the season’s first snowflakes are visible through my office window, drifting sideways on the wind and settling gently onto the stubble of our east field. Soon the ground beneath will harden, the last leaves will be blown from their branches, the grass will turn the color of straw, and our ponds will freeze over with a skin of black ice.

Later in December the winter solstice will arrive. That day will be shorter than all others, but on next morning a six month cycle of steadily increasing sunlight will lead to the summer solstice and longest day of the year. Darkness to light. That is the way of the seasons, the way of nature and the way of the Nature Museum.

Now it is once again the time of year when I ask you to consider making a donation to our Year End Appeal. Every single contribution will go towards supporting our programs and the children we serve. Please take a moment to watch this short video showing how we used your past donations to support education and play over the past twelve months. Then, if you're able, make a donation in support of nature education and play today.

Click here to view our Annual Report

Click here to view a list of our Donors & Supporters

Season’s greetings and thanks from our staff and trustees.

Tom Bregman
Executive Director